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An interactive visualization tool for Amblyomma americanum differential expression data

We analyzed RNA-seq data from Amblyomma americanum to explore gene expression linked to skin manipulation during tick feeding. We built an interactive app to explore the differential expression results and find patterns related to tick sex, tissue, and time in blood meal.
Published onJan 02, 2025
An interactive visualization tool for Amblyomma americanum differential expression data


Ticks have evolved to feed on host blood undetected. Female ticks take long “blood meals” that can last over a week. These ticks use molecules in their saliva to manipulate host pathways and evade the immune system. Some of these molecules may have therapeutic benefits for humans, particularly in managing itch and inflammation. These molecules are likely produced in the female tick salivary glands, potentially at higher levels than in males or other tissues. Investigating differential gene expression could help identify anti-itch or anti-inflammatory molecules.

We re-analyzed public RNA-seq data from A. americanum ticks, focusing on variables such as sex, tissue type, and feeding time. Though batch effects and a lack of replicates limited the number of samples we could analyze, we were able to compare 20 of 56 RNA-seq samples using two differential expression models. The first model compared different tissues within and between sexes, while the second also included time since the start of a blood meal. We developed an interactive application to explore the results, aiming to identify tick molecules that manipulate skin pathways.

Our primary audience is researchers interested in identifying new therapeutic proteins or molecules in female tick salivary glands. We envision these researchers using this tool as a complement to other genetic or molecular discovery approaches. For example, a researcher who’s identified protease inhibitor genes in the A. americanum genome could narrow this list down to those most likely to interact with the host by using the app to identify which protease inhibitors are expressed in the salivary gland.

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The context

Ticks (order Ixodida) are parasitic arachnids that feed on the blood of animals. There are over 800 recognized species of ticks on the planet [1]. Ticks have evolved many ways to evade host detection during a blood meal [2]. The blood meal can last up to a week in hard-bodied, slow-feeding ticks. Only females participate in these long blood meals — males may feed intermittently from a host but primarily seek out hosts to mate with females [3].

Prolonged female feeding requires many adaptations for the tick to remain attached to the host undetected and to maintain blood flow throughout the meal. These include strategies to maintain blood supply by overcoming platelet aggregation and blood coagulation and to hide from the host by blocking itch, pain, and some immune system activities [2]. Saliva delivers molecules and proteins that achieve these actions.

While ticks use these adaptations to get host blood, we expect that many of the molecules they use to manipulate host pathways would have therapeutic benefits if we could co-opt them for use in humans. At Arcadia, we’re particularly interested in molecules or proteins that manipulate skin pathways involved in itch and inflammation. Examples of tick saliva molecules that manipulate skin pathways include votucalis, which sequesters histamine to attenuate itch [4], evasin P991_AMBCA, which binds to inflammation-causing chemokines [5], and a carboxypeptidase that cleaves the vasodilator and pain-inducing peptide bradykinin [6].

We expect the salivary glands of female ticks to express the most proteins with potential therapeutic activities. These organs produce saliva, which is secreted at the feeding site and manipulates the biology of the host. Given that the biology of tick feeding varies during feeding [3][7] — manipulating distinct biological pathways at different points — the temporal expression of a gene may offer insights into its functional role. Similarly, for candidate proteins of therapeutic interest, understanding a gene’s expression pattern can guide us in determining the optimal time to harvest tick tissues if this is relevant to the experiment.

Taken together, gene expression in female tick salivary glands may offer clues for uncovering the molecules that manipulate human skin pathways.

What expression data do we have to work with

The relative affordability of next-generation sequencing combined with publishing mandates for open data have produced an abundance of public sequencing data. RNA sequencing in particular is a popular modality in part because it does not require a reference genome to gain insight into an organism’s gene expression. While RNA-seq data is often generated to answer specific research questions, the comprehensive nature of the data means it can be reanalyzed or repurposed to investigate other biological questions beyond the scope of the original research. This makes RNA-seq data valuable and reusable for different studies. At the same time, RNA-seq data often have strong batch effects (non-biological dataset-to-dataset variation) from things like sample handling, RNA extraction protocol or kit, sequencer, and genomic heterozygosity of a species [8]. No matter their source, major batch effects prevent comparison between samples. Biological replicates (minimum two) and balanced experimental designs are also necessary to compare many samples with differential expression. For example, we have to discard some samples if a condition doesn’t have a replicate or we don’t have a mirrored condition sample to compare it to (e.g., male vs. female).

RNA-seq experiments have been popular in Amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick [9][10][11][12]. A. americanum has a range that covers most of the Eastern United States and is in part responsible for the doubling of tick-borne diseases from 2004–2016 [13][14][15]. Given the potential importance of tick saliva in the transmission of tick-borne pathogens and its role in the development of alpha-gal syndrome, many of these RNA-seq studies include samples from female salivary glands as well as other tissues, such as the mid-gut and samples from male ticks. Contrasting these samples may highlight gene expression profiles specific to female salivary glands and uncover key mechanisms of host manipulation. However, batch effects may prevent unified analysis because these samples originated from different studies. This is particularly true for A. americanum, which has high genetic diversity that clusters by population [16]

We wanted to assess whether we could use public data to investigate the genes A. americanum expresses when interacting with a host. Focusing on variables such as sex, tissue type, and time during the blood meal, our goal was to develop differential expression models with DESeq2. Differential expression models make statistical comparisons between normalized gene counts to determine which genes are induced or repressed in different conditions. These models may help us identify specific tick molecules expressed in the salivary glands of females, which likely manipulate host skin pathways at different feeding stages [3][7], providing insights into tick biology and host manipulation.

Our approach to visualizing tick differential expression

We re-analyzed public RNA-seq data from A. americanum for differential expression analysis. We identified samples that clustered according to biological variables rather than the originating study. These samples allowed us to perform differential expression modeling based on variables like sex, tissue, and time in blood meal (the number of hours the sample was taken after feeding began). We then developed an interactive R Shiny app to make it easy to explore these results. The application includes key RNA-seq analyses and visualizations like principal component analysis plots, volcano plots, MA plots (log ratio mean average plots), and gene plots, as well as tools to summarize gene expression by condition. Users can control differential expression results by metrics like log2 fold change, p-value, or average gene count per gene.

The resource

You can find code for the creation of the differential expression models and for the Shiny app, along with usage instructions, in this GitHub repo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14548891).

Building differential expression models

Finding samples

We started our analysis by identifying publicly available Illumina RNA-seq samples. Using the NCBI Taxonomy page, we searched for “Amblyomma americanum” in August 2023 and followed the Entrez records link to SRA Experiments. We then used the SRA filtering tools to limit the results to RNA-seq sequencing data from Illumina sequencing chemistries: txid6943[Organism:noexp] AND "biomol rna"[Properties] AND "platform illumina"[Properties] AND "strategy RNA-Seq"[All Fields]. A summary of the samples is included in Table 1.

SRA study accession

Number of samples

Number of samples included in differential expression analysis








2 (replicates)


SRP052078; SRP052091; SRP052108; SRP052106; SRP052114; SRP052123; SRP052145; SRP052154


0 (batch effects)

Arthropod cell line







0 (batch effects)


Table 1. Summary of publicly available RNA-seq data analyzed in this project.
In cases where we had to omit samples from our analysis, we’ve noted the reason for omission in parentheses in the third column.
View the complete set of samples and metadata analyzed in this project.

Creating gene counts

We next processed these RNA-seq samples into gene counts.

We first downloaded reads with SRA Tools (version 3.0.6) fasterq-dump and quality- and adapter-trimmed reads with fastp (version 0.23.4) [17].

We quantified transcripts using Salmon (version 1.10.2) [18] against an A. americanum transcriptome assembly (“Amblyomma_americanum_transcriptome_assembly_data.tar.gz”) [19] to quantify read counts.

While Salmon produces transcript (isoform) counts, differential expression results are more accurate when comparing gene counts [20]. The most common way to assign transcript isoform-level counts to their parent genes is to use a transcript-to-gene mapping file. The R package tximport uses a tx2gene file to sum the counts for all transcripts that encode the same gene and to report the gene-level counts [20].

To generate a transcript-to-gene map (tx2gene file) for gene-level quantification, we first mapped the reference transcripts back to the genome using uLTRA (version 0.1) [21].

Next, we assigned a gene name to a transcript when it overlapped with part of the gene’s interval as annotated in the A. americanum genome annotation GFF3 (“Amblyomma_americanum_annotation_data.tar.gz”) [19]. After making these files, we imported transcript counts and summarized them to gene counts using the tximport package (version 1.28.0) function tximport() with the parameter type = salmon [20].

View the workflow code for creating gene counts from RNA-seq accessions on GitHub.

Picking samples to include in the differential expression analysis

We next assessed which samples we could compare via differential expression analysis. Using the gene counts generated above, we assessed similarities between samples as well as conditions captured in the metadata. Our exclusion criteria included samples without replicates (minimum of n = 2 per condition) and batch effects that led to samples clustering more strongly by study than by condition (as determined by eye).

We first eliminated four samples from study SRP091404 [12]. This study investigated changes to the transcriptome of A. americanum during infection with Ehrlichia chaffeensis [12], a tick-borne pathogen primarily transmitted by A. americanum [22]. Two of the six samples captured whole, uninfected ticks while the other four captured infected ticks. Since no RNA-seq samples in other studies were exposed to this pathogen, we could not account for infection with E. chaffeensis as a variable in a differential expression model, so we eliminated these four samples. Further, these samples didn't have replicates within the study, which also prevented analysis by differential expression.

We next used principal component analysis to determine if batch effects led to samples clustering more by study than by biological condition (Figure 1). This analysis excluded 32 samples from two studies (SRP446981 and “Arthropod cell line”).

Scatter plot of PCA results where most points cluster by study, with distinct groups for SRP446981 and "Arthropod cell line."
Figure 1

Principal component analysis of normalized gene counts for the top 500 genes by variance across RNA-seq samples.

Sample color corresponds to the original study that published the RNA-seq data (see Table 1) while sample shape corresponds to the type of tick tissue from which the sample originated. “Arthropod cell line” and SRP446981 data group by study accession instead of by tissue type, while other samples group by tissue type. PC: Principal component. The percentage of the variance explained by PC1 and PC2 is reported in each axis label.

We eliminated all 24 samples from SRP446981 [9]. This study analyzed the transcriptome response of A. americanum to Escherichia coli challenge. Initially used for differential expression analysis, it featured unfed female ticks injected with either phosphate-buffered saline or E. coli and analyzed whole (i.e., sampling all tissues). All samples from the study clustered tightly together and away from whole-tick samples from other studies, indicating the batch effects were too strong to make cross-study comparisons. It’s possible that the injections caused a biological impact that led to these batch effects, but we can’t evaluate this with the available data.

Last, we eliminated eight samples from the “Arthropod cell line” sequencing effort. These eight samples originate from two A. americanum cell lines. The samples all cluster tightly together and away from other samples. Since we have no other cell line data from other studies, there’s no way to evaluate whether these samples cluster alone because they have different expression or strong batch effects.

Building the differential expression models

After filtering the data, samples from different tissues, sexes, and taken at different times during a blood meal remained. We next performed a differential expression analysis so we could compare these samples. We built differential expression models using the DESeq2 package (version 1.40.2) using commands DESeqDataSetFromTximport() and DESeq() [23]. We experimented with different model structures using the design parameter to maximize the number of samples and conditions that we could compare. In the end, we were able to optimize these two factors with two models. In both cases, we combined the variables we included in the model. In DESeq2 analysis, the model matrix must be "full rank" to prevent variables from being redundant, which can skew the results. We simplified the model by combining variables, ensuring each variable is distinct. This lets DESeq2 accurately calculate and attribute effects to each variable independently [23].

We were able to include all samples when we combined the variables “sex” and “tissue” (Table 2).

Model “sex_tissue”

Number of samples









Table 2. The variables and number of samples included in the “sex_tissue” model.
The combined variables are separated by an “x.”

While this model included all samples that we could compare, it gives no insight into how gene expression varies based on time in the blood meal. Given this, we built a second model that included time in the blood meal (by hour), only including samples with replicates for different times in the blood meal (Table 3).

Model “sex_tissue_blood_meal_hour”

Number of samples











Table 3. The variables and number of samples included in the “sex_tissue_blood_meal_hour” model.
The combined variables are separated by an “x.” The numbers in the condition names indicate the range of hours in the blood meal from which samples were taken.

In general, it’s better to analyze all samples in a single model, but given the limitations of working with this data, we worked within the bounds of what was statistically possible in order to achieve the most biological insight.

We don’t present detailed results here as they change based on filtering and the specific conditions compared. However, we include a summary of the number of differentially expressed genes using default filters (log2 fold change = 2, false discovery rate = 0.05, base mean count = 10), focused on differential expression in female salivary glands (Table 4). We observed expected ranges of expression and genes with larger expression differences across more distinct conditions, giving us confidence that our models are useful.

Condition 1

Condition 2



Female salivary gland

Female midgut



Female salivary gland

Female whole tick



Female salivary gland

Male whole tick



Female salivary gland, 72–144 h

Female salivary gland, 12–48 h



Female salivary gland, 72–144 h

Female whole tick, 72–144 h



Female salivary gland, 72–144 h

Male whole tick, 72–144 h



Table 4. The number of differentially expressed genes in female salivary glands when compared to different conditions.
The first three contrasts are from the “sex_tissue” model while the last three are from the “sex_tissue_blood_meal_hour” model. Induced
and repressed genes have positive and negative log2 fold changes, respectively. Only genes with a base mean count greater than 10 and a false discovery rate less than 0.05 are included.

Interactive application for exploring gene expression in A. americanum

We built the above differential expression models to facilitate insights into A. americanum gene expression. We included the maximum number of variables and conditions possible given what is available in public data. However, we wanted to let others explore these results with different biological questions in mind. For example, researchers could use our data to identify the conditions under which their gene of interest is most highly expressed. Likewise, it could be used to evaluate whether a gene of interest exhibits stronger sex-associated or time-associated effects. These individual biological applications would be difficult to anticipate and share in written pub format. To give researchers flexible access to this data, we wrote an interactive Shiny app to explore the gene count and differential expression results. Instructions for using the app are available on the GitHub repository along with a mapping table (shiny/mapped_gene_names_GCA_030143305.2.csv) that enables conversion of GenBank protein IDs from the A. americanum assembly to the gene names used in the app.

The application features several analytical tools separated into different tabs. Users first select which model they want to explore (Figure 2). They can then visualize the samples in the model in a metadata table and a principal component analysis plot colored by variables from the model (Figure 2). The “Differential Expression (DE) Analysis” tab offers filtering capabilities based on log2 fold change, p-value, and mean count of the gene, supporting detailed comparisons across different conditions (Figure 2). Users can also upload their data in this tab to highlight whether specific genes of interest are differentially expressed.

An animated GIF previewing the Differential Expression Explorer for Amblyomma americanum. Each tab of the Shiny app is displayed and scrolled through to give an overview of the functionality of the app.
Figure 2

Preview of the “Differential Expression Explorer” for Amblyomma americanum.

The Shiny app allows users to explore two differential expression models: one built on the variables sex and tissue and one built on the additional variable time since blood meal started. Users can toggle between the two models using a drop-down menu. Four tabs present different information from these models. The first, “PCA Plot,” gives an overview of the samples included in each model using a principal component analysis and a metadata table with information about each sample. The second tab, “DE Analysis,” includes the differential expression analysis capabilities and visualizations. Users can select which conditions to contrast and thresholds for filtering results. The differentially expressed genes are then plotted in interactive plots. The third tab, “Gene,” allows users to visualize normalized counts per gene. These plots are helpful to determine if a few outlier samples drive differential expression of a gene of interest. The last tab, “Expression by Condition,” allows users to see which genes are expressed in each condition. The toggle on this tab allows users to highlight genes that have higher relative expression.

The application includes functionality for gene-specific inquiries where users can input a gene name to generate a boxplot displaying expression across different conditions, offering a granular view of gene activity (Figure 2). Furthermore, the “Expression by Condition” tab provides a table that reports gene expression thresholds and percentiles, allowing users to filter and download gene expression data (Figure 2). This tab is particularly useful for identifying genes that are consistently or exclusively expressed in specific tissues like salivary glands.

Currently, the transcript and gene names used in our pipeline are the bespoke annotations assigned by intermediate tools in different pipelines. However, GenBank recently accepted our genome gene-boundary annotations [19]. Given this, we have also provided a mapping table that can be used to map NCBI protein identifiers to the names used in our app. The mapping table is available in the GitHub repository

Additional methods

We used ChatGPT as a starting point to put our code into a Shiny app and adjusted ChatGPT’s outputs. It also suggested wording ideas and edits, and we picked and chose which bits to use.

We also provided Notion AI with starting text and had it rearrange that text to fit the structure of one of our pub templates, and then edited that output.

Key takeaways

  1. Re-analyzing public RNA-seq data from the tick species Amblyomma americanum let us construct two distinct models for assessing differential gene expression, though major batch effects and lack of sufficient replicates limited the number of samples we could include in our analysis.

  2. Our differential expression models let users compare variables like sex (male, female), tissue type (whole tick, midgut, and salivary gland), and timing in the blood meal. Users can identify gene expression patterns potentially linked to skin pathway manipulation by comparing these variables.

  3. Our interactive Shiny app provides a user-friendly platform for exploring differential expression experiments. This application features tools for visualization and analysis, including principal component analysis, volcano plots, and gene count plots, and allows for results-filtering based on significance or expression levels.

Next steps

We’d like to improve this resource in two specific ways:

  1. Updating the analysis and Shiny app to include A. americanum gene GenBank identifiers: Currently, the transcript and gene names used in our pipeline are the bespoke annotations assigned by intermediate tools in different pipelines. However, GenBank recently accepted our genome-gene boundary annotations [19]. Given this, we may update the Shiny app to include these identifiers to make the analysis experience more consistent across public resources. As a quick fix, we provide a mapping file that allows a user to correspond NCBI gene identifiers to our internal gene names. 

  2. Adding new RNA-seq samples to the models: In March 2024, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease released 21 new RNA-seq samples from the mid-gut of A. americanum. As more RNA-seq samples are released, or if we sequence samples ourselves, we could add these new samples to this analysis. We would have to check new samples for batch effects and assess whether the current model matrix could include more samples.

If you use our Shiny app, analysis, or any part of our code, we’d love to hear how it works for you. Any feedback on issues or potential useful features to add is welcome.

Share your thoughts!

Watch a video tutorial on making a PubPub account and commenting. Feel free to add line-by-line comments anywhere within this text, provide overall feedback by commenting in the box at the bottom of the page, or post about this work on social media. Please make all feedback public so other readers can benefit from the discussion. 

Critical Feedback, Supervision
Software, Supervision
Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Software, Visualization, Writing
Taylor Reiter:

Thanks for the feedback! We’ll keep that in mind if we revisit this project.

Fnu Pramod Akula Bala:

Overall the study was very transparent and used innovative visualization tools and supports other omics studies in the area.

It would have been useful if authors explored deeply the functional pathways as well

Jan Maly:

Overall a great little study considering you managed to produce a useful method (and app) for screening gene expression patterns from such a limited pool of data. Some thoughts:

-How did you decide on the sampling timeframes 12-48 vs 72-144? This corresponds to sampling at half, two, three, and six days…is there a significance to those specific times?

-Not sure if this was covered, but did you check if any of the differentially expressed genes you found fall into gene families known to modulate skin pathways of the host?

-Suggested correction: Ticks are parasitic arachnids, not insects. (

Taylor Reiter:

Hi Jan, thank you for your comment.

  1. The sampling timeframes we used correspond to those used by SRP051699. Since they had binned their samples in this way, we had to bin the rest of the samples in the same way to use them. These time frames generally correspond to early, middle, and late blood meal, which have distinctive behavior patterns for female ticks.

  2. This is a great question. We didn’t do that in this pub, but other projects at Arcadia have looked for similar signals. You can read one such pub that looked for this type of signal here: In this pub, we use a phylogenetic framework to identify tick proteins associated with suppression of host detection (which can include modulation of skin pathways). For this project, we determined whether genes of interested are expressed in female salivary glands using this app.

  3. Thank you! We will fix this mistake in a new draft of the pub.

Maya Britstein:

The paper is written clearly and easy to follow. I was impressed by the deep dive into differential gene expression analysis and the potential application of this research. Additionally, the researchers did a great job addressing the batch effect. However, I would love to learn more about how the samples were filtered “by eye.” i.e., What does it mean?

Another feedback that I had, was that at the introduction to this study, the researchers mentioned how RNAseq data “does not require a reference genome to gain insight into an organism’s gene expression” but ended up mapping “the reference transcripts back to the genome”. Or I might have missed reading it.

Taylor Reiter:

Hi Maya, thank you for your thoughts and questions. To decide which samples to filter, we looked at a PCA (presented in Figure 1). Two groups of samples cluster more by study than by biological condition (purple and blue points in Figure 1). Since these biological conditions aren’t represented by samples in other studies, we couldn’t tell if they are sequestered on their own due to biology or technical artifacts, so we chose not to analyze them with differential expression. We didn’t apply a quantitative approach to determine that the purple and blue points don’t cluster with other samples. However, if we wanted to do this quantitatively, we could have put forth a criteria like, “At least one sample from a study must be more similar to a sample from another study than to samples from the same study“ or something like that.

We did not map the reference transcripts back to the genome to perform quantification. We mapped them back to a reference transcriptome we built from RNA-seq samples alone in another pub ( For RNA-seq, you can map back to a de novo assembled transcriptome (assembled only from the RNA-seq reads) or a reference genome if one is available. Because we had access to a genome, we made a tx2gene file that maps a given transcript back to a gene in the genome. This allowed us to aggregate counts from transcripts to the gene they came from. Gene-level differential expression is more accurate than transcript-level. We didn’t have to do this, but we did because we had access to a genome.