Galo is a cell biologist. He earned a Ph.D from UC Berkeley in Molecular and Cell Biology. His favorite emerging research organisms are protists, because they harbor biological innovations that enable life in unexpected locations.
Cells can be highly motile, moving in and out of a microscope’s field of view. Understanding complex life cycles is difficult without continuous observation. To overcome this challenge, we’ve developed a 3D-printed microchamber device to confine cells for long-term visualization.
Prachee Avasthi, Tara Essock-Burns, Galo Garcia III, Jase Gehring, David Q. Matus, David G. Mets, and Ryan York
Published: May 03, 2023
Constraining motile microorganisms for live imaging often requires costly microfluidics or optical traps to keep them in view. We used patterned stamps and agar to make versatile, inexpensive “microchambers” and offer a way to predict the right chamber size for a given organism.
Prachee Avasthi, Ben Braverman, Tara Essock-Burns, Galo Garcia III, Cameron Dale MacQuarrie, David Q. Matus, David G. Mets, and Ryan York
Published: Jun 23, 2023
We’re crossing C. reinhardtii and C. smithii algae for high-throughput genotype-phenotype mapping. In preparation, we’re comparing the parents to uncover unique species-specific phenotypes.
Prachee Avasthi, Brae M. Bigge, Feridun Mert Celebi, Keith Cheveralls, Jase Gehring, Erin McGeever, Gilad Mishne, Atanas Radkov, and 1 more
Published: Sep 29, 2023
The ProteinCartography pipeline identifies proteins related to a query protein using sequence- and structure-based searches, compares all protein structures, and creates a navigable map that can be used to look at protein relationships and make hypotheses about function.
Feridun Mert Celebi, Keith Cheveralls, Seemay Chou, Tara Essock-Burns, and Galo Garcia III
Published: Nov 17, 2023
We distilled label-free microscopy data by comparing and implementing feature-detection algorithms. Sobel and Laplacian methods outperformed pixel intensity variance in accuracy.